Messenger of Hope

Messenger of Hope - Originally posted April 9, 2015

News, news, news! Today I put two new large pieces in my gallery, one is Messenger of Hope which is featured on this blog post and measures 30X40. The other is called Strata and is 24X36. Take a minute to breathe them in, the energy and colors. I’ll be taking these pieces along with most of what is still available in my gallery to Hillsborough’s Arts and Crafts Show this Saturday April 11th. (rain date April 12) I think it going to be great fun and I hope if you are local you will stop by and say hello! 

Hope is the only bee that makes honey without flowers. – Robert Green Ingersoll

Also new ~ I now have prints available! They are gorgeous! Printed on canvas and matted. They will be at the Arts and Crafts Show this Saturday as well. Next week I’ll add a page to my website featuring prints. The pieces available as a print so far are, Taking Flight, Pond Lily, Butterfly Chase, Break Free, Bloom!, Find Your Flock, True Colors, Peace, and Blooms and Berries. If you are interested in one of these and can’t make it Saturday or are far away contact me. 

Its your road, and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. -Rumi

If you follow my blog regularly you know my last post was about keeping some balance in my life amidst lots going on. As an update, its working! Everything is falling into place with my preparations for the Arts and Crafts Show without becoming a big stress mess! Staying positive, patient, focused, and creating my own reality. Every thought you think becomes your reality. 

The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. – Socrates

Light, Love, and Laughter,



May Day


Balancing Act