The gallery below is a collection of books I have written and/or illustrated/collaborated on. Some are for young people while others are everybody books, collections of my photography, and one is a journal. If you are interested purchasing a copy head over to my SHOP. I’m happy to sign your copy(ies) if you would like, just make note in your purchase. Scroll down for information on scheduling an author/illustrator visit with your class/school/group.

I am available for author visits to your school, classroom, youth group, scout group, or home schooling group.
Email me, at or use the contact form below to schedule a visit or ask questions.

Get in touch about an Author/Illustrator Visit.
I offer author/illustrator visits to classes/schools/groups. If you are interested use this form to contact me and we can have a conversation about possibilities.
***Covid had impacted author visits, I hope to resume soon!***
Previous Author Visit Locations
Pilot Elementary 1st Grade, Thomasville, North Carolina, March 8 2019
Pilot Elementary 5th Grade, Thomasville, North Carolina, May 2019
Eno River Academy, Kindergarten, Hillsborough, North Carolina February 2018
New Hope Elementary, 1st Grade, Hillsborough, North Carolina, February 2018
Foundations Preschool, Hillsborough, North Carolina, October 2018
Pilot Elementary, Title One Night, Thomasville, North Carolina, November 2018
Hawthorne Elementary School, School-wide, Everett Washington, October 2017
Foundations Preschool, Hillsborough, North Carolina, November 2017
Morris Grove Elementary, First Grade, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, November 2017
Blue Ribbon Mentor Summer Writing Camp, High School Students,Chapel Hill, North Carolina, July 2016
Eno River Academy First Grade, Hillsborough, North Carolina, October 2016
Morris Grove Elementary First Grade, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, November 2016
New Hope Elementary Second Grade, Hillsborough, North Carolina, November 2016
Foundations Preschool, Hillsborough, North Carolina, November 2016
North Belmont Elementary, School-wide, Gastonia North Carolina, October 2015
WA Bess Elementary, School-wide, Gastonia, North Carolina, October 2015
Orange County Public Library, Hillsborough North Carolina, October 2015
“Mrs. Fitzgerald visited two elementary schools during her author visit in town. At one school she met with each grade level individually in a smaller setting. At the other school, she met with the entire student body in the gymnasium. In both settings, her passion for her craft, writing and illustrating picture books, was engaging and motivating to the students in her audience. As a former elementary school teacher, she does an excellent job of adapting her interactive presentation, both to the setting and to the age of the audience. Great author visit from a personable and professional children’s author!”
Sabrina L. Robinson
Title I Literacy Teacher
North Belmont Elementary School
“Mrs. Fitzgerald made an engaging and inspiring presentation to four classes of first grade students. Mrs. Fitzgerald captured the interest of our young writers, portraying both her craft of writing and illustrating books, as well as her love of the process. She passionately took students through the steps of publishing her books, from dreaming up ideas and note-taking to revising drafts of texts and artwork for the illustrations. As a former elementary school teacher, she did an outstanding job of helping students make connections between their experiences as writers in the classroom and her life as a published author. It was a memorable experience for both the students and their teachers!”
Suzanne L. Stokes
1st grade teacher
Morris Grove Elementary School